A Saner Inbox

It doesn't take a sociological scholar to know email has become the bane of our existence. The amount of time we all spend reading/archiving/deleting/filing emails takes away from time we could be doing something productive. Doing the things we actually get paid to do or -gasp- enjoy doing.

Enter SaneBox.

SaneBox is a service that watches your email and analyzes how you interact with it, eventually training itself to do the heavy lifting on it's own. It creates folders and moves email to those folders before they ever even hit your Inbox. Have a friend who constantly sends you (un)funny cat memes and anti-Obama propaganda? It'll filter that to the @SaneLater mailbox. A repository of stuff you may want to look at eventually but doesn't need your attention now. Those "So and so posted a reply to your Facebook post" and "You have a new Twitter follower" emails? They automatically get sent to the @Social folder. If Target is having a sale on tampons, you may want to know about it eventually, but not right this minute. Those go to the @Bulk folder.  My personal favorite is the @SaneBlackHole folder. Anything you move into that will automatically get deleted forever. You never have to worry about seeing anything from them again.

Sure, you could spend hours setting up extensive mail rules and filters, but that's even more time spent NOT doing something productive and wasted on email. Spend the $12 a month and let SaneBox take care of it for you.