Dear United Health Care

Just saw another one of your clever commercials with humorous injuries and how easy it is when you have UHC. That got me to thinking.

Maybe you should do an ad featuring me!

Picture this, me coughing my lungs out feeling like I'm about to die. Diagnosed with double pneumonia and being told if I'd waited another day to go to the doctor I'd have ended up hospitalized. Then flashback to 2 hours earlier when I discovered you'd assigned me a new primary care physician that isn't accepting new patients. Frantic phone calls to try and change my PCP to the one doctor I could find that could see me that day, only to be told I'd have to wait until May 1st (a week later) to have my PCP changed. Then fast forward to me paying hundreds of dollars out of pocket because of YOUR mistake. What should have been a $35 office visit and a $35 chest x-ray turned into credit card debt. I have insurance. I pay dearly for it every 2 weeks. Yet it did me absolutely no good.

The Affordable Care Act was a step in the right direction, but it's not enough. The healthcare system in this country is fundamentally broken.

Maybe you should move some of the money in your advertising budget to get your shit together and take care of the people you're supposed to be here to help.