7 Months

It was May 6th when I got weighed at a doctor's appointment and audibly said (under my breath) "oh fuck this". It was at that exact moment I decided I had to change. I set what at the time seemed like a completely unrealistic weight of where I'd like to be at by the end of the year. With no clue how much work it would take or how I'd ever manage to achieve it, at least I had a goal.

7 months to the day I've passed it. Just under a month ahead of schedule and that ridiculous, likely unobtainable goal has not only been accomplished, it's in the rear view mirror.

When I stepped off the scale earlier I jokingly thought "I'm gonna fuck up some pizza and root beer today", but no, I've come too far. From practically sedentary to knocking out my own personal 5k almost every single morning, I don't take for granted how hard this has been. I'm not going to screw it up now.

I've got a new goal of where I want to be by May 6th, 2016. It's gonna be just as hard as what I've done so far, but this time I know how to do it and have 100% faith I can.

Isn't the Music City Marathon around that same time? Hmmmm....