Louie S4E12 "In The Woods"

Watching this past week's episode of Louie and it really got to me.

It's a flashback to his 8th grade year when he discovered marijuana, partying and became a major pain in his mother's ass. One scene in particular showed his beleaguered mother having a near breakdown.

I immediately remembered all the hell I put my mom through. The fights, the crying, the defiant behavior that's somehow inherent to being a teenager. Hindsight being 20/20, it took me 20+ years to realize what a complete jackass I was.

I'm glad she lived long enough to see me grow up. We made amends like most do, but I never got the chance to tell her just how sorry I really am. 

The last present she ever bought me was a Zippo lighter with a star of life on it. It was a completely random gift, no occasion at all. In the box was note that said "I saw this and it reminded me of you. I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of who you've become". That gift means more to me now than I could've ever hoped.